Film Production Services in Himachal

The beginning of Silent Hills Studio

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Welcome to the Enoxx Entertainment  We are here happy to announce the beginning of a film & TV production company in Himachal Pradesh. Silent hills studio pvt ltd is an ambitious start by Ajay K Saklani, an independent filmmaker from Himachal. Our team has more than a decade’s experience in film and tv production services.

Enoxx Entertainmennt’s goal is to enrich & develop a new cinematic culture in hill states (largely north India).

Our focus is to

  • To provide entire range of in-house services related to film and TV production
  • To create & develop a pool of talented artists, technical & creative crew locally
  • To provide customized services to Indie filmmakers for offbeat productions
  • Production of quality content in local music and videos to raise their standard at national/international level


  • Best services and equipment support in cost effective manner
  • Experts in shooting low budget films & TV programmes

So, producers looking for any production services in any part of Northern India particularly in Himachal Pradesh, can contact Enoxx Entertainment at any time.

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